Performative Conference and Radio Happening, radio transmission system.19’ Invited by curator Florencia Curci at Investigaciones del Futuro, Buenos Aires 2022.As part of “Campamento Temporario”
I was invited as part of the Campamento Temporario cycle to continue my reflections on fires aimed at producing monocultures to feed livestock in feedlots (an intensive livestock farming method prior to slaughter), as temperatures rise, drought intensifies, and transitions between seasons become increasingly radical. In this performative lecture and radio happening, Florencia Curci triggered a soundtrack I had created with various interventions, amplifying the sound of a tree falling naturally. The performance included choreographies of fire, dead plants due to drought, reggaeton songs, political ecology, affective ontology, and communal reflection on the causes and effects of heat during the end of summer 2022 in Buenos Aires.